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The Migration from WooCommerce to Shopify: A Strategic Move for Growth for Cooper Street

The migration from WooCommerce to Shopify was a pivotal decision for Cooper Street, a brand known for its delicious, wholesome Twice Baked Cookies and Granola Bakes. As the business continued to grow, it became clear that the existing e-commerce platform was no longer meeting the needs of the company.
Moving to Shopify wasn’t just a change of platform; it was a strategic shift designed to enhance the brand’s online presence, streamline operations and cost reduction, and provide a better experience for customers. This case study delves into the importance of selecting the right e-commerce solution, outlines the migration process, and highlights why partnering with WMD Agency, a Shopify Partner, was essential for a successful transition.

The Importance of Choosing the Right E-commerce Solution

As an e-commerce business grows, so do the complexities associated with managing it. WooCommerce, paired with WordPress, is an excellent solution for small to medium-sized businesses due to its flexibility, extensive plugin ecosystem, and customizable nature. However, as Cooper Street expanded, the limitations of WooCommerce became more apparent. Managing a growing inventory, ensuring smooth payment processing, and maintaining site performance under increased traffic posed significant challenges.

Shopify, on the other hand, offers a more robust and scalable solution for businesses ready to take the next step. With its all-in-one platform, Shopify provides enhanced reliability, built-in security, and a strong infrastructure capable of handling high volumes of traffic without compromising performance. The migration to Shopify allowed Cooper Street to leverage these advantages, ensuring that its e-commerce platform could grow alongside its business and meet the demands of its expanding customer base.

How the Migration Takes Place

Migrating from WooCommerce to Shopify is a process that requires meticulous planning and execution. It begins with a comprehensive audit of the existing WooCommerce site, where every aspect—from the site structure to product listings, customer data, and custom functionalities—is thoroughly assessed. This step is crucial to ensure that all necessary data and features are successfully transferred to the new platform.

Simultaneously, the web development process begins on Shopify. This involves customizing the new Shopify theme to reflect Cooper Street’s new brand identity. The development team works on creating a visually appealing and user-friendly design that enhances the overall customer experience. This includes optimizing site navigation, customizable sliders, animated section elements, new awards area, and a reorganized footer.

Moreover, special attention is given to mobile responsiveness, ensuring that the site performs seamlessly across all devices. The development process also includes setting up secure payment gateways, optimizing the checkout process for higher conversion rates, and ensuring that the site complies with the latest web standards and security protocols.

Once web development is complete, the data migration process begins. Product information, customer records, order histories, and other essential data are carefully transferred to Shopify. To maintain SEO (Search Engine Optimization) rankings and ensure a seamless transition for customers, URL redirects are set up to guide traffic from the old WooCommerce links to the new Shopify store.

Before the new Shopify store goes live, it undergoes rigorous testing. This includes checking the functionality of payment gateways, verifying data accuracy, and ensuring the site is responsive across all devices. The final step is the launch, which often starts with a soft launch to allow for any last-minute adjustments before the full rollout.

Throughout this entire process, maintaining clear communication with customers is key. It helps manage their expectations and ensures that they continue to have confidence in the brand during the transition.

To learn how WMD Agency can help your business seamlessly migrate to Shopify and unlock new growth opportunities, contact us now

Why WMD Agency is the Right Partner

Migrating an e-commerce platform is a complex task that requires both technical expertise and a deep understanding of the business’s goals and its customers. For Cooper Street, WMD Agency was the ideal partner to facilitate this migration. With extensive experience in both WooCommerce and Shopify, WMD Agency provided a customized migration strategy that addressed the specific needs of Cooper Street, including developing the site with the new branding, preserving SEO rankings and enhancing the customer experience.

WMD Agency’s collaborative approach ensured that the Cooper Street team was involved in every step of the process. This partnership was crucial in creating a Shopify store that was not only technically sound but also aligned with the brand’s vision and customer expectations.


In conclusion, the migration from WooCommerce to Shopify was a strategic move that positioned Cooper Street for continued growth. By selecting the right e-commerce solution and partnering with WMD Agency, the brand has set the stage for success in the competitive online marketplace.

Ready to migrate to Shopify?Contact us today