A new eco-friendly era is rising, and it’s touching the world in every possible way. Eco-conscious brands are companies that recognize some of the biggest threats facing our planet and know how to come up with unique ways of overcoming those issues. A significant shift in customer buying behaviors, combined with a willingness to pay more for products from eco-conscious companies has reinforced the need for today’s brands to make a difference in their branding initiatives.
Aimée Ann Lou is a luxury and eco-conscious women’s shoe brand. Their shoes are handcrafted by artisans outside Florence, Italy, and use materials and practices to achieve the best environmental consciousness and compliance with industry-leading standards in quality.
Choosing the right solution for our client
Before working with any E-commerce clients or any clients in general, the first step is to get to know the brand, the products or services, and their target audience. We do this by having clients fill out one of our questionnaires and set up an initial conference call. This is a crucial starting point. This is where we will help our clients understand our process and set them up on the right E-commerce solution where it’s easy to manage and has the potential to grow. We will also determine a budget, content, and everything else needed to make our clients’ online stores successful.
After the initial assessment, Shopify was the perfect solution for Aimée Ann Lou. It is one of the largest E-commerce platforms in America, second only to Amazon. Some of the biggest names that trust Shopify are Allbirds and Kylie Cosmetics, which need no introduction. Their success comes as no surprise, as the solution’s usability and built-in SEO tools can propel businesses of all sizes.
Shipping integration through a custom app
Since shipping is one of the key touch points a customer has with an online business, it plays a huge role in determining the customer experience. With their shoes handmade in Italy, Aimée Ann Lou has decided to hire a shipping and fulfillment company in Italy to streamline the shipping process. Our job was to integrate with the company’s custom app. A custom app is an app that a developer builds exclusively for a Shopify store. With our expertise and knowledge of Shopify, our WMD team was able to integrate their custom app with Aimée Ann Lou’s Shopify store and automated order status updates, shipping tracking, and invoice submission for each order.
Automate export form to an FTP server
With shipping worldwide, every order from Aimée Ann Lou is required to have an export declaration with the order information included for Italian customs. Since doing this manually for each order is cumbersome, our team at WMD was able to set up a solution that integrates Shopify, the Word Document with dynamic fields such as order number and order date, and the shipping company’s FTP server so the form is created and sent to them automatically.
Outside the Shopify Standards
As online shopping is getting more popular, the demand to have a turnkey and out-of-the-box E-commerce solution is crucial not only for the customers but for business owners. At WMD, our years of experience in E-commerce and having helped myriad industries, our team is versatile and well-versed in the latest technology. We are tenacious to find a find the right solution for our clients.